You went to the barbers together. He introduced you to the hidden depths of Minecraft. You taught him to ride a bike. If he was lucky, you even took him to see a band you loved. The ways a father and a son navigate through life together are the inspiration for JACK & ME.
Until now, a dad wanting to share their own values of style and taste had little choice when it came to finding footwear for their sons. It was either men shoes that didn’t fit boys or children’ shoes that were only fit for school or sports.
So Jack&Me was born – celebrating those shared experiences that are so precious. And providing both fathers and sons with quality, stylish footwear they could enjoy together.
Well-made, ethically-sourced and timeless British classics with an emphasis on the fit, our shoes are tailored to the modern expectations of fathers and sons everywhere. All the while giving each a way to express their individuality.
For Andrew Marshall, co-founder of the brand, the original idea behind Jack&Me came from one of those childhood moments that children and parents still dread: buying school shoes. Andrew spent most of his working life involved with high quality luxury brands so Jack&Me idea became a perfect channel for Andrew to pass on his enthusiasms for beautifully made products with a real provenance behind the story.
In 2016 Cristina Abriani founded Jack&Me by carefully combining her Italian roots and her fashion management experience into the business Jack&Me is today. Cristina strongly believes in ethical production and sustainable innovation to create stylish, durable and comfortable footwear. As a natural consequence she chose that Jack&Me shoes were to be produced in the Marche region of Italy by expert craftsmen who share the same values and vision.
It was in the 50s that Jack&Me partner’ factories decided to develop from local cobblers to footwear production “simply” by applying their expertise in manufacturing high quality, comfortable shoes with modern techniques and a new organisation set for the future.
Whilst continuing these traditions and embracing today’s customer needs Jack&Me uses only the highest quality ethically sourced materials integrating perfectly with the brands values and style.